Our patrons report that they achieve the maximum inch loss with the Segue Deluxe Wrap. Many want to countour their look while achieving the highest level of inch loss. Often they merely want improvement in specific areas of the body e.g. the waist, stomach, hips, thighs, etc.
Another benefit reported by many of our patrons is the improvement in the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite is essentially water-logged fatty tissue. Frequently, a woman with this problem reports a dramatic visible improvement in the look of the affected areas within just the first few wraps. Often, results are reported after their very first wrap. Most patrons tell us that after a wrap, they feel physically relaxed, light, clean, energized and stress free. The Segue Deluxe Wrap is safe, healthy, relaxing and has the ideal pH for your skin.
Due to the purity of our products and their pH balance, this is NOT a dehydration wrap. The Segue Deluxe Wrap, through compression, causes visual improvement of cellulite on the surface of the body. The appearance of cellulite will improve after every wrap. Some of our patrons have reported getting rid of minor cellulite problems and skin tight jeans fitting beautifully after their first wraps!!!
What results do you get? The Segue Deluxe Wrap gets maximum visible results. Through our program, we can address your goals for a more aesthetic appearance and a body that feels great! You can look more contoured and have a more proportioned look in just one hour. The Deluxe Wrap provides a firmer, tighter appearance of the skin. The Deluxe Wrap is developed for those who need MAXIMUM visual skin tightening. The Deluxe Wrap also gives a very obvious energy boost and leaves the skin feeling silky and soft while appearing firmer and tighter.
The Deluxe Wrap has been found to give AMAZING results! Anyone who has lost weight, or who has loose skin due to age, pregnancy, or weight loss will LOVE this wrap. We are constantly striving on improving our services and are happy to introduce the Deluxe Wrap to achieve a more firm and tight appearance of the skin.
Segue uses food grade, inorganic minerals and distilled water for our formula. Unlike wraps that contain herbs, mud and clay, it is impossible to cause an allergic reaction with our original time tested formulas. The pH of our solution is ideal for beautiful skin.