The Body Wrap

Lady buttoning her pantsYou can start with our Slim Wrap or just upgrade to an Energy or Skin Serenity Wrap for just $20 more. The Slim Wrap is our basic wrap and we recommend it for a maintenance wrap once you reach your size goal.

. . . was invented by Victoria Morton nearly 30 years ago, and used by Hollywood celebrities who contact her when they need to slim down quickly for movie and television appearances.

Aging is accelerated by the accumulation of metabolic wastes and environmental poisons which cause lack of energy, wrinkles, cellulite and crepe skin. Looking younger is possible by simply freeing the body of this life long buildup.

Lady getting measured

While you are removing inches from your body, losing a double chin and tightening your skin with our body wrap, you are also cleansing yourself of these unwanted materials and removing years from your apparent age.

3594 5th Ave
San Diego, CA 92103
(858) 457-BODY (2639)
Mon-Fri 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Sat 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM